stamciastamnel Admin replied

295 weeks ago

Download Fantastic Dinosaurs Of The Movies

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a5c7b9f00b A collection of trailers from various "B" dinosaur and creature movies spanning though out film history, but mostly focusing on the drive-in type films of the 1950's, 60's, 70's and early 80's.
This documentary goes beyond expectations and includes a wealth of trailers for prehistoric creature features,welladditional classics that may not quite qualify"dinosaur movies" but are a hoot to watch. It's a very fun nostalgic collection if you dig Harryhausen FX, dinosaurs, and B-movies. <br/><br/>This came in a DVD set I got many years ago which also included "The Lost World" (1925) and "Planet of Dinosaurs". I had such low expectations for it I didn't watch it until now (I never expected Good Times to produce a competent documentary). I'm impressed by how many trailers are on here!<br/><br/>The picture quality leaves a bit to desired, and I hate that Good Times slaps a "GT" watermark on the bottom right of the frame (I seem to remember them doing that to "Plan 9" in one format or another). Regardless of DVD-mastering issues, I recommend this for anyone into prehistoric cinema, and it's an especially helpful way to get to introduced to the history of the genre for newcomers.
Fantastic Dinosaurs of the Movies (1990) D: Sandy Oliveri. A collection of theatrical trailers and clips from cinema's greatest (and worst) dinosaur movies, including THE LOST WORLD, THE BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS, and GODZILLA, KING OF THE MONSTERS. Some of the material is laughably bad (as were the actual films) and the video is very cheaply made, but it serves its purpose for dinosaur film fans and movie buffs alike. RATING: 6 out of 10. Not rated.

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last edited 217 weeks ago by stamciastamnel
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